Reception 2024 - 2025








Welcome to our Reception Class Page!


Miss Jones and Miss Smith are our Reception class teachers.They are supported by two teaching assistants, Mrs Davenport and Mrs Shipton. Below you will find information about what we teach in Reception and how we teach it. We hope this will give you a helpful insight into what goes on in Reception throughout the year. 


Reading and Phonics

We use the Read, Write, Inc. programme to teach phonics and early reading. This phonics programme supports our teaching of writing skills as well. Please click on the following link for a more detailed explanation of the Read Write Inc. programme.

What is Read Write Inc. Phonics?

At the start of each academic year, our Reception team host an information evening that will help parents understand how to support children to develop their reading skills at home. You may also find the following links to other resources useful as you embark on your child's reading journey.

How To Pronounce Single Letter Sounds In Phonics - a short video that teaches you how to say the letter sounds correctly.

Fred Talk Games- These are games which help build skills for reading.

The following videos illustrate how some of these Fred Talk games are played:

Reading for Pleasure

At Oughtrington, we are passionate about helping children to develop a real love of reading. We do this through sharing high quality fiction, non-fiction, poems and rhymes with children on a daily basis. Reading with parents at home is also a critical factor in helping children to love reading. Why not try some of these books together as part of your bedtime story routines? 


Recommended Reads Poster.jpg

Click the link below to get a full list of the recommended texts!

Recommended Reads for Reception


In Maths, we have been following the 'Mastering Number' programme created by NCETM; the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics. This programme aims to secure the development of good number sense for all children. It aims to strengthen children's understanding of the composition of numbers to 10, and to develop children's fluency with number facts so that they can recall additon, subtraction and doubles facts quickly and automatically. These skills are essential building blocks in helping children to become confident mathematicians who can apply their mathematical understanding flexibly and efficiently in a range of contexts. 

In addition to this programme, we plan a range of exciting and engaging mathematical activities which enable children to develop their understanding of shape, space and measure, to revisit and consolidate their understanding of number and to develop their independent problem solving skills. We also use Numberblocks videoclips and resources to support our teaching. These programmes are great to watch at home too!


General Information about Reception

Below is a video that introduces you to key members of staff and explains in further detail the key areas of learning that we focus on in Reception. We explain in detail what and how we teach, as well as seeing around the classes and hearing from other members of our school community. This video was originally filmed to help with our transition process during lockdown but, although the class teachers have changed since the video was filmed, all the other information contained in it remains relevant. We hope you find it informative. 





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